Probashi Kallyan Bank Exam. 2014
‘Burkina Faso’ is the name of a -
Probashi Kallyan Bank Exam. 2014
‘Burkina Faso’ is the name of a -
Janata Bank (Sr. Officer 2012)
Who is the current president of the Syrian national council?
Janata Bank (Sr. Officer 2012)
Who is the current president of the Syrian national council?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার কোন দেশে শিক্ষার হার সর্বোচ্চ?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার কোন দেশে শিক্ষার হার সর্বোচ্চ?
Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (FFQ) 2015
ডিজনিল্যান্ড কি?
Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (FFQ) 2015
ডিজনিল্যান্ড কি?
Bangladesh Samabaya Bank 2015 Officer
The last President of the Soviet Union was.
Bangladesh Samabaya Bank 2015 Officer
The last President of the Soviet Union was.
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Which year did South Sudan become an independent country?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Which year did South Sudan become an independent country?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Which country does not have an embassy in Bangladesh?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Which country does not have an embassy in Bangladesh?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
নিম্নের কোন দেশের সরকার প্রধান হলেন প্রেসিডেন্ট?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
নিম্নের কোন দেশের সরকার প্রধান হলেন প্রেসিডেন্ট?
Agrani Bank Limited Officer (CASH) -2017
Pope Francis is the _____ Pope of the Cathotic Church.
Agrani Bank Limited Officer (CASH) -2017
Pope Francis is the _____ Pope of the Cathotic Church.
Bangladesh Bank 2010 (AD)
Who is the current Prime Minister of United Kingdom?
Bangladesh Bank 2010 (AD)
Who is the current Prime Minister of United Kingdom?
First Security Islami Bank (Officer)-2014
which of the following is a land locked country?
First Security Islami Bank (Officer)-2014
which of the following is a land locked country?
Agrani Bank Limited Officer (CASH) -2017
The following is not landlocked country_
Agrani Bank Limited Officer (CASH) -2017
The following is not landlocked country_
Rupali Bank 2010 (Officer)
What is the national symbol of Japan?
Rupali Bank 2010 (Officer)
What is the national symbol of Japan?
Which state of USA was once part of Russia? –
Which state of USA was once part of Russia? –
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2012 (Sr. Officer))
The state language of Monaco is-
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2012 (Sr. Officer))
The state language of Monaco is-
Janata Bank (Sr. Officer 2012)
The newly elected French president François Hollander belongs to which political party?
Janata Bank (Sr. Officer 2012)
The newly elected French president François Hollander belongs to which political party?
Exim Bank Trainee Officer 2016
Which city is called the financial capital of India?
Exim Bank Trainee Officer 2016
Which city is called the financial capital of India?
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2012 (Sr. Officer))
The old name of Switzerland is
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2012 (Sr. Officer))
The old name of Switzerland is
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
নিচের কোন দেশটি এশিয়া মহাদেশের অন্তগর্ত নয়?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
নিচের কোন দেশটি এশিয়া মহাদেশের অন্তগর্ত নয়?
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2012 (Sr. Officer))
Banks were first started in the world in-
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2012 (Sr. Officer))
Banks were first started in the world in-
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Before being elected as the president, Pronob Mukherjee served in which ministry of India?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Before being elected as the president, Pronob Mukherjee served in which ministry of India?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
কোন দেশ এশিয়া ও ইউরোপ উভয় মহাদেশে বিস্তৃত?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
কোন দেশ এশিয়া ও ইউরোপ উভয় মহাদেশে বিস্তৃত?
Janata Bank (Sr. Officer 2012)
Who was the candidate of Muslim brotherhood in the 2012 Egyptian presidential election?
Janata Bank (Sr. Officer 2012)
Who was the candidate of Muslim brotherhood in the 2012 Egyptian presidential election?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
ভলভো কোন দেশের গাড়ি?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
ভলভো কোন দেশের গাড়ি?
Agrani Bank Limited Officer (CASH) -2017
What is the rank of Bangladesh in Human development Index 2018?
Agrani Bank Limited Officer (CASH) -2017
What is the rank of Bangladesh in Human development Index 2018?
Janata Bank (Sr. Officer 2012)
In which of the following 2012 republican primaries, US presidential candidate Mitt Romney didn’t win?
Janata Bank (Sr. Officer 2012)
In which of the following 2012 republican primaries, US presidential candidate Mitt Romney didn’t win?
Bangladesh Samabaya Bank 2015 Officer
Who was elected US president for four consecutive terms?
Bangladesh Samabaya Bank 2015 Officer
Who was elected US president for four consecutive terms?
Pubali Bank Jr. Officer 2012
Which is the second largest country in the world by area?
Pubali Bank Jr. Officer 2012
Which is the second largest country in the world by area?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
জাহাজ নির্মাণ শিল্পে সর্বাপেক্ষা উন্নত কোন দেশ?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
জাহাজ নির্মাণ শিল্পে সর্বাপেক্ষা উন্নত কোন দেশ?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
What is the name of the severe hurricane that hit the United States in September 2017?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
What is the name of the severe hurricane that hit the United States in September 2017?
Social Islami Bank Ltd 2017 Probationary Officer
Which is the narrowest country of the world?
Social Islami Bank Ltd 2017 Probationary Officer
Which is the narrowest country of the world?
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
Which one among the following African countries is not landlocked?
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
Which one among the following African countries is not landlocked?
‘শান্ত সমুদ্র’ অবস্থিত-
‘শান্ত সমুদ্র’ অবস্থিত-
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
Which of the following countries as has successfully test launched its first hypersonic aircraft?
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
Which of the following countries as has successfully test launched its first hypersonic aircraft?
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. PO 2017
Which of the following countries does not have a permanent army?
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. PO 2017
Which of the following countries does not have a permanent army?
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (SO) -2015
The only country in Asia that was never colonized by European power is?
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (SO) -2015
The only country in Asia that was never colonized by European power is?
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
Which of the following countries has recently topped the Global Innovation Index for the eighth consecutive year in 2018?
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
Which of the following countries has recently topped the Global Innovation Index for the eighth consecutive year in 2018?
Which country has the highest Real GDP growth rate?
Which country has the highest Real GDP growth rate?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
Which of the following countries recently officially accepted Bitcoin and digital currencies as legal money?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
Which of the following countries recently officially accepted Bitcoin and digital currencies as legal money?
Pubali Bank Cash Officer 2019
How many stripes are there in the US flag?
Pubali Bank Cash Officer 2019
How many stripes are there in the US flag?
Dhaka Bank Ltd. 2016 Trainee Officer (Cash)
Which of the following countries does not have a written constitution?
Dhaka Bank Ltd. 2016 Trainee Officer (Cash)
Which of the following countries does not have a written constitution?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
A.F.P. কোন দেশের সংবাদ সংস্থা?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
A.F.P. কোন দেশের সংবাদ সংস্থা?
Pubali Bank Trinee Assistant Teller 2017
Which country banned smoking first?
Pubali Bank Trinee Assistant Teller 2017
Which country banned smoking first?
Who is the new president of Peru?
Who is the new president of Peru?
Which of the following countries is planning to create a Space Force by 2020?
Which of the following countries is planning to create a Space Force by 2020?
What is the most Unhappy Country in the World?
What is the most Unhappy Country in the World?
Which country is bordered by both the Atlantic and Indian nations?
Which country is bordered by both the Atlantic and Indian nations?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
Which of the following country has the most external debt in 2018?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
Which of the following country has the most external debt in 2018?
According to SDSN report which country is the most unhappy among 156 countries?
According to SDSN report which country is the most unhappy among 156 countries?
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
The world’s largest diamond producing country is-
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
The world’s largest diamond producing country is-
Pubali Bank Trinee Assistant Teller 2017
Which country is known as the sugar bowl of the world?
Pubali Bank Trinee Assistant Teller 2017
Which country is known as the sugar bowl of the world?
Past Timor was a colony of which Country
Past Timor was a colony of which Country
Union Bank 2014 (Sr. Officer)
Recently, __________ general election has been held in India.
Union Bank 2014 (Sr. Officer)
Recently, __________ general election has been held in India.
ভূ-মধ্যসাগরীয় দেশ কোনটি?
ভূ-মধ্যসাগরীয় দেশ কোনটি?
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2015 (Officer Cash)
কোন মুসলিম দেশ সামরিক জোট ন্যাটোর সদস্য?
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2015 (Officer Cash)
কোন মুসলিম দেশ সামরিক জোট ন্যাটোর সদস্য?
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2015 (Senior Officer)
সুইজারল্যান্ডের প্রাচীন নাম কি?
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2015 (Senior Officer)
সুইজারল্যান্ডের প্রাচীন নাম কি?
According to the World happiness Report 2017, the happiest country in the world is ---
According to the World happiness Report 2017, the happiest country in the world is ---
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2015 (Officer Cash)
কোন দেশ থেকে প্রথম কৃত্তিম উপগ্রহ উড্ডয়ন করা হয়?
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 2015 (Officer Cash)
কোন দেশ থেকে প্রথম কৃত্তিম উপগ্রহ উড্ডয়ন করা হয়?
Pubali Bank Trinee Assistant Teller 2017
What is the name of Boarder Security Force of Myanmar?
Pubali Bank Trinee Assistant Teller 2017
What is the name of Boarder Security Force of Myanmar?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
Which trade bloc the US has withdrawn after President Trump assumed office in the year, 2017?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
Which trade bloc the US has withdrawn after President Trump assumed office in the year, 2017?
Which country has a shoreline on the Andaman seas?
Which country has a shoreline on the Andaman seas?
Combined 3 Bank Senior Officer
India has the largest deposits of ______ in the world.
Combined 3 Bank Senior Officer
India has the largest deposits of ______ in the world.
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
Which of the following countries does not have a border with Afghanistan?
Combined 2 bank Officer General Preli
Which of the following countries does not have a border with Afghanistan?
Dhaka Bank Ltd. 2016 Trainee Officer
Which of the following state was bought by USA from Russia?
Dhaka Bank Ltd. 2016 Trainee Officer
Which of the following state was bought by USA from Russia?
কোন দেশটি ভারত মহাসাগরের পাড়ে অবস্থিত?
কোন দেশটি ভারত মহাসাগরের পাড়ে অবস্থিত?
Pubali Bank Trinee Assistant Teller 2017
Which one is the largest Muslim country in the world by population?
Pubali Bank Trinee Assistant Teller 2017
Which one is the largest Muslim country in the world by population?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Syria does not share its border with which of the following countries?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Syria does not share its border with which of the following countries?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
যুক্তরাষ্ট্রকে স্ট্যাচু অব লিবার্টি নিমের কোন দেশ উপহার দেয়?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
যুক্তরাষ্ট্রকে স্ট্যাচু অব লিবার্টি নিমের কোন দেশ উপহার দেয়?
Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (FFQ) 2015
পৃথিবীর পুজিবাজারের ইতিহাসে এ যাবৎকালের সর্ববৃহৎ IPO কোন কোম্পানীর?
Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (FFQ) 2015
পৃথিবীর পুজিবাজারের ইতিহাসে এ যাবৎকালের সর্ববৃহৎ IPO কোন কোম্পানীর?
Bankers Selection SO 2018
নিচের কোন দেশটির সবচেয়ে বেশী সংখ্যক দেশের সঙ্গে সীমান্ত আছে?
Bankers Selection SO 2018
নিচের কোন দেশটির সবচেয়ে বেশী সংখ্যক দেশের সঙ্গে সীমান্ত আছে?
Janata Bank Executive Officer 2017 (Morning)
The official language of the Canadian province of Quebec is –
Janata Bank Executive Officer 2017 (Morning)
The official language of the Canadian province of Quebec is –
আটলান্টিক মহাসাগরের পশ্চিম তীরে কোনটি অবস্থিত?
আটলান্টিক মহাসাগরের পশ্চিম তীরে কোনটি অবস্থিত?
National Bank Ltd. (Probationary Officer)-2014
KLM airlines belongs to
National Bank Ltd. (Probationary Officer)-2014
KLM airlines belongs to
গ্রেট বেরিয়ার রীফ কোথায় অবস্থিত?
গ্রেট বেরিয়ার রীফ কোথায় অবস্থিত?
Sargasso Sea কোথায় অবস্থিত?
Sargasso Sea কোথায় অবস্থিত?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Which country has the largest proven oil reserve in the world?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Which country has the largest proven oil reserve in the world?
According to SDSN report which country is the happiest among 156 countries?
According to SDSN report which country is the happiest among 156 countries?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
The president of which country was impeached on grounds of corruption and immoral collusion with private entities in the year 2017?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
The president of which country was impeached on grounds of corruption and immoral collusion with private entities in the year 2017?
Pubali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2016
Who was the first Governor General of India?
Pubali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2016
Who was the first Governor General of India?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
নিচের কোন শহরটিকে ঝরনার শহর বলা হয়?
Agrani Bank 2015 Officer Cash (FFQ)
নিচের কোন শহরটিকে ঝরনার শহর বলা হয়?
Union Bank 2014 (Sr. Officer)
Which one of the following countries does not share any border with China?
Union Bank 2014 (Sr. Officer)
Which one of the following countries does not share any border with China?
পৃথিবীর বৃহত্তম ও গভীর মহাসাগরের নাম কি?
পৃথিবীর বৃহত্তম ও গভীর মহাসাগরের নাম কি?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Which of the following is a communist state?
Probashy Kalyan Bank (Senior officer)-2014
Which of the following is a communist state?
Bangladesh Bank 2016 (Cash Officer)
The Cactus Curtain separates Guantanamo Naval Base from
Bangladesh Bank 2016 (Cash Officer)
The Cactus Curtain separates Guantanamo Naval Base from
Union Bank 2014 (Sr. Officer)
Which one of the following countries is not democratic country and has no actual political parties?
Union Bank 2014 (Sr. Officer)
Which one of the following countries is not democratic country and has no actual political parties?
Exim Bank Trainee Officer 2015
Who has become the youngest elected Member Of Parliament (MP) in United Kingdom in the last 300 years?
Exim Bank Trainee Officer 2015
Who has become the youngest elected Member Of Parliament (MP) in United Kingdom in the last 300 years?
First Security Islami Bank (Officer)-2014
Who is the current secretary of state of USA?
First Security Islami Bank (Officer)-2014
Who is the current secretary of state of USA?
Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd, PO 2015
. In which country can you see “Adam's Peak.”?
Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd, PO 2015
. In which country can you see “Adam's Peak.”?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
Which country receives the highest amount of foreign aid in the world?
Dhaka Bank Ltd TO Cash
Which country receives the highest amount of foreign aid in the world?
Bangladesh Bank 2016 (Cash Officer)
The Louvre museum is in
Bangladesh Bank 2016 (Cash Officer)
The Louvre museum is in
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. PO 2017
The Cartagena Protocol is related to which one of the following?
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. PO 2017
The Cartagena Protocol is related to which one of the following?
বর্তমানে তেল উৎপাদনে শীর্ষ দেশ কোনটি??
বর্তমানে তেল উৎপাদনে শীর্ষ দেশ কোনটি??
Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd, PO 2015
Which one is a Central American Country?
Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd, PO 2015
Which one is a Central American Country?
In which year American Independence was acknowledged by England?
In which year American Independence was acknowledged by England?
Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (FFQ) 2015
নিম্নের কোন দেশটিতে ইবোলা নামক রোগটি মহামারী আকারে ছড়ায়নি?
Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (FFQ) 2015
নিম্নের কোন দেশটিতে ইবোলা নামক রোগটি মহামারী আকারে ছড়ায়নি?
Bangladesh Bank AD (General Side) 2016
What is the name of Israel’s intelligence agency?
Bangladesh Bank AD (General Side) 2016
What is the name of Israel’s intelligence agency?
The civilian Airport of highest altitude is in
The civilian Airport of highest altitude is in
Bangladesh Bank 2016 (Cash Officer)
The Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya is Contiguous with what Famous National Park OfTanzania?
Bangladesh Bank 2016 (Cash Officer)
The Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya is Contiguous with what Famous National Park OfTanzania?
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. PO 2017
What is the name of the ruling party of Syria?
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. PO 2017
What is the name of the ruling party of Syria?
Donald Trump became -------- President of USA
Donald Trump became -------- President of USA
Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (FFQ) 2015
জিডিপির আকার বিচারে পৃথিবী সর্ববৃহৎ অর্থনীতি কোনটি?
Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (FFQ) 2015
জিডিপির আকার বিচারে পৃথিবী সর্ববৃহৎ অর্থনীতি কোনটি?